Recipe System

The Recipe Management facilitates you in consumption analysis of the ingredients, synced with the inventory management.

The Recipe System simplifies recipe management, allowing businesses to create, store, and modify recipes easily. With FoodBucket's Recipe System, businesses can track ingredient costs, scale recipes, and analyze nutritional information, making it easier to manage costs and meet customer dietary preferences.


Fully Featured Recipe Manager

  • Manages the complex relationships and processes related to restaurant’s production recipes
  • Gives the option to add/remove ingredients.
  • Create recipes by attaching ingredients to items
  • Standardize all your recipes

  • Synced with Inventory Management

  • A built-in restaurant inventory management system that automatically syncs and updates your inventory as dishes and drinks are sold.
  • Keeps your food costs in check by reducing undue wastage

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    Keep Track of your Stock

  • Get control of your inventory
  • Identify low-turn stock
  • Allow for multi-location management